
TH0250 To celebrate a quarter-of-a-thousand posts on Chest Pelt, here’s a Cyborg Daddy drawing (that I don’t think is conceptually strong enough to stand with the others. I think I’d like it more if I gave him some different limbs, which of course is totally the character’s strength).


TH0209 – Okay so this got out of hand. I’ve switched from working on these in A5 pads to this (relatively) big A4 Clairefontaine notebook and being given double the workspace has apparently inspired double the detail. The concept here was to get some classic wheeled robot legs going on, but then everything I designed ended up looking like Gizmoduck. So what if instead his feet were just entire motorcycles at the end that he could fold up? And here we are.


TH0110 – Saw a photoset of this super Ukrainian looking guy and drew a few of the pictures. I couldn’t quite capture a likeness of his low body fat face without making him ugly, but that’s okay, right?